by Ketamine Greater Boston | Mar 21, 2024 | blog, KETAMINE FOR DEPRESSION, Mental Health
Deciding to try ketamine infusion therapy to heal your mental health disorder can be a powerful move. Long used as an anesthetic, ketamine has been shown to be a powerful ally in the fight against treatment-resistant depression and other disorders for the past few...
by Ketamine Greater Boston | Sep 19, 2023 | KETAMINE FOR DEPRESSION, Mental Health
Those seeking relief for depression and anxiety have found relief in ketamine therapy since doctors began using it in this off-label way in the 2000s. Many have also turned to psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD with great results. Each type of drug works effectively...
by Ketamine Greater Boston | Sep 8, 2023 | KETAMINE FOR DEPRESSION, Mental Health
When you’re feeling depressed, the last thing you might want to do is crack a smile. However, studies in Positive Psychology show that putting on a smile, even a fake one, can have positive effects on your brain and make you feel better in the process. Simply, if you...
by Ketamine Greater Boston | Aug 18, 2023 | KETAMINE FOR DEPRESSION, Mental Health
You may have heard that ketamine is a great option when it comes to picking a treatment for depression. And that’s true. Ketamine therapy is a safe and innovative approach to depression that has been proven to be highly effective—especially in patients who have been...
by Ketamine Greater Boston | Aug 3, 2023 | KETAMINE FOR DEPRESSION, Mental Health
Seasonal depression isn’t all about the winter blues. Many people also suffer from depression in the summer, a much less understood version of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. For around 5% of the population, their experience of SAD is noticeable enough to impact...
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