
Depression is a common but serious mental health condition that affects every aspect of a sufferer’s life. Too often, men living with depression go undiagnosed due to stigma associated with ideas of masculinity. However, one in eight men will suffer from depression at some point in their lives. Developing the tools you need to manage your symptoms is key to getting back to yourself when these phases hit.

Beating the Stigma

Men living with depression often go undiagnosed for many reasons. Some men are less likely to open up to others, keeping their feelings bottled up inside. This makes it easy to brush aside the symptoms of the disorder, which include loss of appetite, a lack of interest in things you used to enjoy, feeling tired, or suffering from sexual issues. You might also experience feelings of anger or irritability while suffering from depression.

It’s important to understand that getting help is not a sign of weakness.

Coping with Depression

Having tools on hand to help you deal with depression will get you feeling like yourself again. Here are a few ways to cope:

        • Confide in Someone You Trust: Talking to someone you trust, whether that’s a close friend or a professional therapist, can help you to sort out your feelings and find a new path to feeling better.
        • Exercise: Some research has shown that exercise can be as powerful as medication with battling the symptoms of depression. Sticking with a routine that might include walking, swimming, or weight training can improve your mood and your fatigue levels.
        • Pay Attention to Diet: Eating and drinking habits directly affect how you feel on a daily basis. Cutting down on sugars and refined carbs, limiting alcohol intake, and adding healthy foods like fatty fish, spinach, and bananas will give your mood a boost.
        • Try Ketamine Treatment: If you find that your depression doesn’t improve with traditional medications and therapy, you might consider ketamine treatment. Ketamine treatment has been shown to work quickly with lasting results. Schedule a consultation today to find out if this option is right for you.

For more information about our services and how we can support your mental health journey, please contact Ketamine Greater Boston today. Your well-being is our priority.

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