Ketamine for depression is effective for a number of reasons: it “cleans out” G-proteins in the brain, enabling healthy neural connections to start firing again; it blocks NDMA receptors, which have long been associated with depression; and now, a new study shows that ketamine’s anti-inflammatory properties may have something to do with its miraculous ability to treat severe depression.
The role of inflammation in depressed patients—specifically, whether treating inflammation alone is enough to alleviate depressive symptoms—has only been studied in small samples. Patients diagnosed with depression tend to have higher inflammatory markers, indicating a connection between this common mental health disorder and inflammation. But it is unclear whether reducing inflammation alone can positively impact depressive symptoms.
What is clear, however, is that depressed patients have more hope than ever before. Ketamine has made mental health a major focus for researchers interested in brain function, and how to best treat depression and other psychiatric disorders. More scientific data about ketamine for depression becomes available seemingly every day, and researchers are also discovering entirely new ways to approach depression treatment…such as through anti-inflammatory methods.
Could an anti-inflammatory diet reduce depressive symptoms, without any other pharmacological intervention? Maybe. More research needs to be done. For now, ketamine is still proven to be the most effective antidepressant available on the market today. Ketamine for depression does not address inflammation alone: it repairs many other body and brain functions that contribute to a patient’s mental wellbeing. However, supporting ketamine infusion therapy with an anti-inflammatory diet could enhance your positive results:
Foods that Reduce Inflammation:
Olive oil
Spinach, kale & collards
Nuts rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (i.e. almonds & walnuts)
Salmon, mackerel or tuna
Strawberries, blueberries, cherries & oranges
Maca root, turmeric & ginger
Foods that Cause Inflammation:
Sugar & high-fructose corn syrup
Vegetable & seed oils
Refined or processed carbohydrates
Cheese & dairy products
Depressed patients, especially those who resist traditional antidepressant medications or other depression treatments, may find that reducing inflammation in their bodies results in relief from their depressive symptoms. It may feel like a long shot, but anything that could bring relief is worth a try.
Contact Ketamine Greater Boston
If you or a loved one is suffering from depression—has tried everything to no avail—please contact Ketamine Greater Boston. We treat patients suffering from depression, anxiety, PTSD and other psychiatric conditions, offering hope to those who have none. Request a free consultation today and learn whether you or a loved one is a candidate for ketamine infusions.
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